Developmentally Appropriate Ways to Boost Kindergarten Readiness: Part 1, Integrating Literacy into Daily Classroom Practices

Welcome to your professional development course from MarcoPolo Learning!

Click the button below to create a Bertelsen Education account and register for your certificate. You will then be directed back to MarcoPolo Learning Professional Development. Once you complete all the course content on MarcoPolo Learning Professional Development, you will be directed back to Bertelsen Education to take a short quiz and get your certificate and CEUs.

The quiz will consist of four questions about the course. After passing the quiz with 80% accuracy, you will receive 0.4 CEU's and 4 in-service hours for this course. 

Thank you for choosing to grow your teaching practices with MarcoPolo Learning. We hope to see you again in another professional development course!

Learning Outcomes

  1. Educators will define and give examples of developmentally appropriate practices.
  2. Educators will begin to evaluate developmentally appropriate practices to teach foundational literacy skills.
  3. Educators will assess their current practices and classroom structures for opportunities to elevate kindergarten readiness.

About MarcoPolo Learning

Award-winning, real-world footage created for early learning
The highest-quality HD footage, combined with 2D animation, brings the real-world and
how it works directly into children's hands.
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Support positive family relationships and promote learning at home
The unique Let's Talk feature allows children to bring their families into the conversation in
an easy and meaningful way.
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Designed to take learning offline
Educator Guides for each video lesson feature opportunities to transfer knowledge into different areas of the classroom and at home. Plus, our printables offer even more opportunities for learning offline!
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