podcast | out of ratio with bertelsen education

Out of Ratio: CEU Episode—Hugs, High Fives, and Harmony: Nurturing Student-Teacher Connections with Sanjana and Lena

Earn CEUs by listening to Out Of Ratio with Bertelsen Education. Listen to our episode "Hugs, High Fives, and Harmony: Nurturing Student-Teacher Connections with Sanjana and Lena" and earn CEUs by completing a brief quiz.
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Learning Outcomes

  • Participants will gain an understanding of the foundational importance of teacher-student relationships in early childhood education, recognizing its impact on the holistic development of young learners.
  • Participants will acquire practical strategies and techniques for building and maintaining positive teacher-student relationships, with a focus on early childhood contexts.
  • Participants will explore effective ways teachers can collaborate with parents to strengthen the teacher-student relationship, recognizing the crucial role of parental involvement in a child's educational journey.
  • Participants will gain insights into the role of teachers in nurturing social and emotional skills in early learners, understanding how these skills contribute to overall well-being and future success.

How it works


Special episodes of Out of Ratio can get you a certificate of completion with CEUs. Look for the CEU episodes wherever you listen.

Take a quiz

After listening, visit the link in the show notes to take a short quiz to earn your certificate with CEUs.

Earn CEUs

That's it! Two simple steps and you've earned a certificate from Bertelsen Education with CEUs.

Out of Ratio with Bertelsen Education

About the podcast
Available wherever you get your podcasts!
Bertelsen Education